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grand opening

 of the

Cultivating Sustainable Communities Through Compost

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Master Urban Composter Course

Unlock the garden of your dreams by learning how to confidently turn food waste into nutrient-rich compost. 

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Join Us for Our First Class!

Master Urban Composter Course: an interactive, two-part certification course to prepare & coach you through the process of hot composting; equipping you with the knowledge you need to confidently create compost - from start to finish. 


Turn your food waste into treasure for your yard! 


The main teaching focus for this course is how to make hot compost piles. 

Classes hosted at the beautiful

Nature Discovery Center in Bellaire. 

What to Expect:

Designed to be interactive & for all experience levels, students will be taught in two formats: 

  • in-person, classroom discussions & training

  • hands-on, outdoor composting laboratory exercises  

​Discussion Topics Include:  

  • understanding what compost is & why it's important

  • debunking some of the myths & concerns people have with composting at home

  • choosing the right type of composting method & scale for your project

  • what materials go into making compost & how to create your compost pile

  • learning how to calculate the right ratio of materials to give your compost the right nutrient balance

  • Bonus! chapters on soil health diagnostics to learn how to give your soil exactly what it needs!  

Outdoor Laboratory Exercises: â€‹ 

  • Hot Compost Pile Lab - Create a deeper understanding of what to expect during your own compost project by working as a group to create a hot compost pile. â€‹ 


The compost pile will be created during the Part 1 lab session & left to process in the elements until Part 2 the following week.

See first-hand how the composting process has progressed & learn how to care for your pile. 

  • ​Soil Texture Analysis Test - customize the composting process by learning how to analyze the texture of your soil at home to determine what it needs. 

Course Completion: upon participating in & completing both parts of the course, students will receive a certificate certifying that they are officially a 

Why create a new composting course? 


The Houston School of Compost was created after many years of trying different gardening & compost classes, & not really finding any that combined in-person lessons with hands-on learning in one course.


We saw that practical exercises of real-life scenarios you're likely to experience when getting started are crucial to composting with confidence. We also saw that there was a disconnect between knowing how to make compost & knowing how to make the right compost for your project. 


So, we made sure to include all of these aspects when designing our school to give you the most complete learning experience! 

Let's drive the sustainable stewardship of our natural resources TOGETHER.

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Upcoming Classes

Master Urban Composter Certification Course

A two-part*, interactive course that will train & coach you through the process of hot composting in your own yard through classroom discussions & hands-on labs.

Part 1: Saturday, March 22, 2025

Part 2: Saturday, March 29, 2025

9 am - 12 pm

*Both sessions are required to earn the certification.

Other Services

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  • Texas Native Landscaping

  • Soil Regeneration

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  • Food Waste Pick-Up 

  • Zero Waste Events

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