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why compost?

Composting Food Waste Means:

A thriving garden that's affordable!

Supporting your family's health

Helping the environment & community

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A Thriving Garden - Soil Regeneration

Plants need soil with the right nutrient balance to grow.

By utilizing the discarded nutrients found in food waste, composting is a cost-effective way to create the nutrient rich soil that your plants need to thrive and improve crop yields. 

As an added bonus, because the soil and plants are healthier and heartier, it also greatly reduces or eliminates the need for pesticides. 

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Supporting Your Family's Health

Composting can support your family's health in numerous ways, especially those located in disadvantaged communities. 

Most directly, food grown in compost is also more nutrient dense, which helps boost the health of anyone who eats it.  

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Helping the Environment & Community 

The very process of composting food waste instead of sending it to the landfill also helps the environment, and by extension, the surrounding communities.

Food waste in landfills break down anaerobically (without oxygen), which produces a lot of methane. 

High levels of methane can:

  • directly contribute to elevated temperatures in the surrounding neighborhoods

  • turn into ground-level-ozone, which exacerbates asthma and other respiratory conditions in those same surrounding communities.  

In short:
Learning how to compost is a cost-effective way to help keep your family healthy, help the environment, & your community!  

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